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第 36 卷第 3 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.36, No.3
201 9 年 3 月 FINE CHEMICALS Mar. 2019
RuCl 一步催化氧化液相乙醇合成 1,1-二乙氧基乙烷
杨 娜 1,3 ,张 华 1,2 ,胡 静 1,2 ,王公应 1,2,3 ,邓志勇 1,2,3*
(1. 中国科学院 成都有机化学研究所,四川 成都 610041;2. 中国科学院 成都有机化学有限公司,四
川 成都 610041;3. 中国科学院大学 挥发性有机物污染控制材料与技术国家工程实验室,北京 100049)
摘要:首先考察了不同金属卤化物对乙醇一步液相氧化合成 1,1-二乙氧基乙烷(DEE)的催化性能。结果表明,
RuCl 3 催化性能最好。然后考察了反应条件的影响,结果表明,以 50 mL 无水乙醇(0.86 mol)为反应物时,最
佳催化反应条件为:反应温度 120 ℃、氧气压力 2 MPa、反应时间 3 h、催化剂用量 0.004%(以乙醇的物质的
量为基准,下同)、搅拌速度 600 r/min,此时乙醇转化率达到 38.2%,DEE 选择性达到 78.9%。并且发现,Ru 3+
不但对乙醇氧化成乙醛具有较高的催化活性,同时 RuCl 3 是一种温和的路易斯酸,可以较好地催化乙醇与乙醛
的缩合反应。最后对 RuCl 3 催化剂的重复使用性进行了考察,催化剂重复使用 20 次后,依然有较高的催化活性。
关键词:乙醇;1,1-二乙氧基乙烷;RuCl 3 ;一步氧化;催化技术
中图分类号:TQ223.26 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 03-0475-06
One-step Oxidation of Liquid Ethanol to 1,1-Diethoxyethane
with RuCl 3 as Catalyst
YANG Na , ZHANG Hua , HU Jing , WANG Gong-ying 1,2,3 , DENG Zhi-yong 1,2,3*
(1. Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China; 2. Chengdu
Organic Chemicals Co., Ltd., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan. China; 3. National Engineering
Laboratory for VOCs Pollution Control Material & Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100049, China)
Abstract: The catalytic performances of various metal halide as catalysts were studied using the synthesis
of 1,1-diethoxyethane (DEE) by one-step liquid phase oxidation of ethanol. It was found that RuCl 3 is the
best catalyst for this reaction. Subsequently, the effects of synthetic conditions on the catalytic performance
were also discussed. When 50 mL ethanol (0.86 mol) were used as reactant, the optimized reaction conditions
were obtained as follows: reaction temperature 120 ℃, oxygen pressure 2 MPa, reaction time 3 h, RuCl 3
amount 0.004% (benchmarked against the molar of ethanol, the same below), stirring rate 600 r/min. Under
the optimized conditions, the conversion of ethanol reached 38.2% and the selectivity of DEE reached
78.9%. Ru not only has good catalytic activity for the oxidation of ethanol to aldehyde, but also RuCl 3 is a
Lewis acid, which can catalyze the condensation of ethanol and acetaldehyde. At last, the reusability of
RuCl 3 was investigated. RuCl 3 catalyst still had high catalytic activity after being reused for 20 times.
Key words: ethanol; 1,1- diethoxyethane; RuCl 3; one-step oxidation; catalysis technology
Foundation items: Sichuan Province Outstanding Youth Academic Technology Leaders Program
(2016JQ0062); Chengdu Municipal Science and Technology Benefit People Project (2016-HM01-00091-SF)
乙醇作为一种重要的生物质平台分子,是合成 乙醇柴油还存在许多技术问题,如互溶性差、易分
多种高附加值化学品的多功能原料 [1-2] 。乙醇可直接 层、闪点极低、安全性能难以达到柴油的要求等 [3-5] 。
与汽油混合,然而乙醇与柴油的燃料性质相差很大, 近期,一种新的含氧添加剂 1,1-二乙氧基乙烷(又
收稿日期:2018-08-30; 定用日期:2018-11-26; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180639
作者简介:杨 娜(1994—),女,硕士生。联系人:邓志勇(1983—),男,研究员,。