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第 36 卷第 7 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.7
             201 9 年 7 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 July    2019


                            张璟琳,李   娟,王   娟,孙宝国,刘玉平,黄明泉
                     (北京工商大学  食品质量与安全北京实验室,北京市食品风味化学重点实验室,北京  100048)

                 据。利用固相微萃取(SPME)和溶剂辅助风味蒸发(SAFE)两种方法结合 GC-MS 对树苔浸膏中的挥发性香
                 利用 SPME 和 SAFE 两种前处理方法共鉴定出 102 种挥发性成分,香气活性成分为 27 种,其中香气稀释因子
                 (flavor  dilution  factor,FD 因子)较高(FD≥9)的为 β-苔黑酚羧酸甲酯、戊酮酸乙酯、苔黑酚羧酸乙酯、赤
                 化合物为 β-苔黑酚羧酸甲酯、苔黑酚羧酸乙酯、庚酸乙酯。
                 中图分类号:TS207.3      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 07-1387-08

                           Identification of the Key Odorants in Treemoss Extracts

                    ZHANG Jing-lin, LI Juan, WANG Juan, SUN Bao-guo, LIU Yu-ping, HUANG Ming-quan
                 (Beijing Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety,Beijing Key Laboratory of Flavor Chemistry, Beijing Technology and
                 Business University, Beijing 100048, China)

                 Abstract: Aroma is one of the important standards to evaluate extracts. Analysis flavor components will
                 provide reference for extracts application and quality control standard. The volatile flavor components of
                 treemoss  extracts  were  analyzed  by  solid  phase  microextraction  (SPME)  and  solvent-assisted  flavor
                 evaporation (SAFE) combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and the aroma active
                 components  were  confirmed  by  gas  chromatograph-olfactometer  (GC-O)  with  aroma  extract  dilutions
                 analysis  (AEDA).  It  was  found  that  a  total  of  102  compounds  in  two  treemoss  extracts  samples  were
                 identified by SPME and SAFE.Among these, there were 27 active odorants in two treemoss extracts and the
                 odorants  with  (flavor  dilution  factor)  FD≥9  were  methyl  β-orcinolcarboxylate,  ethyl  levulinate,  ethyl
                 orsellinate, ethyl hematommate, ethyl nonanoate, ethyl heptanoate and ethyl phenylacetate. Moreover, these
                 active  odorants  were  quantitated  by  internal  standard  method  and  its  odor  active  values  (OAV)  were
                 calculated.  The  results  were  confirmed  that  methyl  β-orcinolcarboxylate,  ethyl  orsellinate  and
                 ethylheptanoate were the key odorants of the treemoss extracts.
                 Key words: treemoss extracts; solid phase microextraction (SPME); solvent-assisted evaporative extraction
                 (SAFE);gas chromatography-olfactory (GC-O); key odorants; perfumes and essences

                 地衣是共生菌(子囊菌或担子菌)与共生藻(蓝                         树苔是松萝科扁枝衣属的一种地衣植物,主要生长
            藻、绿藻)经过生物演化过程联合形成的有机体 ,                            于针叶树上,如松树、雪松等 。树苔浸膏(treemoss
            不同于其他植物的生长方式,地衣的共生性会产生                             extracts)是溶剂浸提 附生于树干上的树花后得到
            不同的化学成分 ,其次级代谢产物(羧酸类)具                             的一种膏状物,具有明显的清香和木香。树苔浸膏
            有生物活性,如抗菌 、生物杀虫 、抗氧化 等。                            在食品、日化和卷烟中都有很好的应用,在素心兰、

                 收稿日期:2019-01-14;  定用日期:2019-03-15; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190049
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