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第 37 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.5
             202 0 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May    2020


                               陈国顺      1,3 ,李雪坤       1,3* ,尤雅芳      2,3 ,崔   慧     2,3 ,

                                       卞嘉祺      2,3 ,罗   勇     1,2,3 ,杨维成      1,3*
                 (1.  聚烯烃催化技术与高性能材料国家重点实验室,上海    200062;2.  上海市聚烯烃催化技术重点实验室,
                 上海    200062;3.  上海化工研究院有限公司,上海    200062)

                 通过 SEM、TEM、DLS 分别对 HPM 的形貌和粒径进行了表征,并考察了 HPM 的遮盖性能。考察了引发剂用
                 量对核粒径的影响、中间层和壳层聚合物质量比对 HPM 形貌结构及其遮盖性能的影响。结果表明:在核制备过
                 程中,核的粒径随引发剂用量的增加而减小;对于平均粒径为 148 nm 的核,当中间层 m(MAA)∶m(BMA)∶
                 m(MMA)= 3∶10∶87,壳层 m(St)∶m(TMPTA)= 97∶3 时,可制备平均粒径 414 nm、中空率为 40.6%
                 的 HPM,且 HPM 表面较为光滑,此时 HPM 具有优异的遮盖性能,遮盖度达到 66%。
                 中图分类号:TQ637;TQ317      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 05-0941-07

             Preparation and morphology control of submicro-hollow polymer microspheres

                           CHEN Guoshun , LI Xuekun   1,3* , YOU Yafang , CUI Hui , BIAN Jiaqi ,
                                             LUO Yong  1,2,3 , YANG Weicheng 1,3*
                 (1.  State Key Laboratory of Polyolefins and Catalysis, Shanghai  200062,  China;  2. Shanghai Key Laboratory of
                 Catalysis Technology for Polyolefins, Shanghai 200062, China; 3. Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry,
                 Shanghai 200062, China)
                 Abstract: Submicro-hollow polymer microspheres were prepared by emulsion polymerization and alkali
                 osmotic swelling method using methacrylic acid (MAA), methyl methacrylate (MMA), butyl methacrylate
                 (BMA), styrene (St), and trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TMPTA) as raw materials. The morphology and
                 particle size of the hollow polymer microspheres were characterized by SEM, TEM and DLS. The covering
                 performances of hollow polymer microspheres were also tested. The effect of the initiator dosage on the
                 particle  size  of  core  and  the  effect  of  mass  ratio  of  interlayer  to  shell  on  the  morphology  and  covering
                 performance of the hollow polymer microspheres were investigated. The results showed that the particle
                 size of core decreased with the increasing initiator dosage. For the core with an average particle size of 148
                 nm, hollow polymer microspheres with smooth surface were obtained when m(MAA)∶m(BMA)∶m(MMA)=
                 3∶10∶87  (as  interlayer)  and m(St)∶m(TMPTA)=  97∶3  (as  shell).  The  average  particle  size  of  the  hollow
                 polymer microspheres was 414 nm and their hollow rate was 40.6%. The as-synthesized hollow polymer
                 microspheres exhibited excellent covering performance with a covering rate up to 66%.
                 Key words: hollow polymer microspheres; morphology control; emulsion polymerization; functional materials

                 钛白粉具有优异的遮盖性、白度和光亮度,被                          团聚会导致涂层的光散射指数大幅降低,影响涂料
            认为是世界上性能最好的白色颜料,但随着涂料中                             光学性能 。此外,早在 2010 年世界卫生组织国际
            钛白粉添加量的增大,钛白粉粒子在涂层中的大量                             癌症研究机构认定钛白粉为“潜在引起癌症的物质”

                 收稿日期:2019-10-10;  定用日期:2020-01-14; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190954
                 基金项目:上海市科学技术委员会资助(18120731100, 18511109200)
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