Page 134 - 《精细化工》2021年第7期
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第 38 卷第 7 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.7
             202 1 年 7 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  July  2021


                            周   萍,黄才欢,刘   付,白卫滨,欧仕益,郑   洁
                                      (暨南大学  食品科学与工程系,广东  广州  510632)

                 亲脂性能的花色苷月桂酸酰化产物。分别以黑豆皮提取物(C3G 质量分数为 35.8%)、纯化 C3G 样品(HPLC
                 纯度>80%)、C3G 标准品(HPLC 纯度>98%)为底物进行酰化,通过改进反应溶剂体系,实现了黑豆皮提取物
                 中花色苷的高效酰化,酰化率达 66.59%,但工艺更为简单,底物无需纯化;酰化产物矢车菊素-3-O-葡萄糖苷月
                 桂酸酰化物(C3G-La)经液液萃取,纯度可达 82.39%;再经正相硅胶柱纯化后,产物纯度达 97.58%。稳定性
                 实验表明,在 pH 为中性和酸性环境中,C3G-La 的稳定性优于 C3G,但二者在碱性和光照条件下稳定性均较差。
                 中图分类号:TQ28;TS209     文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 07-1416-08

                            Preparation and stability analysis of anthocyanin from

                                     black bean hull by enzymatic acylation

                          ZHOU Ping, HUANG Caihuan, LIU Fu, BAI Weibin, OU Shiyi, ZHENG Jie
                     (Department of Food Science and Engineering, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, Guangdong, China)

                 Abstract: Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (C3G) from black soybean hull was enzymatically acylated with lauric
                 acid to achieve an anthocyanin derivative with improved lipophilic property. Various reaction solvents were
                 tested and compared for the efficient acylation of anthocyanin by using black soybean hull extract (C3G
                 mass fraction 35.8%), purified C3G sample (HPLC purity>80%), and C3G standard (HPLC purity>98%) as
                 substrate, respectively.  The acylation  rate of  the  anthocyanin  from black soybean hull extract reached
                 66.59%. The technology was simpler and the substrate did not need to be purified. Moreover, the acylated
                 product, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside-lauric acid ester  derivative  (C3G-La),  reached a purity of  82.39%  after
                 simple liquid-liquid extraction, and further to a purity of 97.58% after purification by normal phase silica
                 gel. The stability test showed that C3G-La  was more  stable than C3G in either  neutral  or acidic  pH
                 environment, while both of them were labile under alkaline and light conditions.
                 Key words: black soybean  hull; anthocyanin; enzymatic acylation; lauric acid; lipophilicity; stability;
                 separation and purification

                 黑豆是属于药食同源的豆科植物 ,具有抗氧                          具有保护心脏      [11] 、视力 [12] 、胃粘膜 [13] ,神经系统 [14] ,
            化 、抗炎 、抗癌 、调节血脂 及免疫力等功能 。                          预防糖尿病等慢性疾病          [15] 的功用,由于食用安全并
            中国黑豆年总产量达 20 多万吨,在豆油和其他豆制                          具有多种保健功效,消费者对花色苷产品的需求不
            品生产中会产生大量黑豆皮渣等废弃物,造成资源                             断增加   [16] 。但作为离子型化合物,花色苷的强亲水
            浪费和环境问题 。黑豆皮含有丰富的天然水溶性                             性限制了其在脂溶性体系中的应用,从而限制了其
            色素花色苷,其中矢车菊素-3-O-葡萄糖苷(C3G)                         在食品、化妆品、药品领域的应用。此外,花色苷
            最高,质量分数可达 76.6% 。花色苷具有良好的抗                         在消化吸收时,生物利用度也较低                [17] ,其保健功效
            氧化 、抗癌 、抗炎          [10] 等生物活性,研究表明,其              受到影响。为弥补这些不足,扩大花色苷的应用范

                 收稿日期:2020-12-16;  定用日期:2021-02-08; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20201180
                 作者简介:周   萍(1995—),女,硕士生,。联系人:郑   洁(1981—),女,副研究员,。
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