Page 75 - 《精细化工》2022年第6期
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第 39 卷第 6 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.39, No.6
             2022 年 6 月                              FINE CHEMICALS                                 June  2022


                                       秦安然,王   鑫,乔文强 ,王植源
                       (大连理工大学  化工学院  高分子材料系  精细化工国家重点实验室,辽宁  大连  116024)

                 摘要:间苯二甲胺分别与 4,4'-氧双邻苯二甲酸酐、3,3',4,4'-二苯甲酮四甲酸二酐、3,3',4,4'-联苯四羧酸二酐、4,4'-(六
                 氟异丙烯)二酞酸酐和 4,4'-(4,4'-异亚丙基二苯氧基)双(邻苯二甲酸酐)在间甲酚中通过一步法合成了 5 种聚酰亚胺
                 (PI)。采用 FTIR、 HNMR、DSC、TGA、UV-Vis、动态力学分析仪(DMA)对聚合物进行了表征。结果表明,
                 所制备的 PI 特性黏数在 0.36~1.44 dL/g 之间,在间甲酚中具有良好的溶解性;DMA 测得 PI 的玻璃化转变温度
                 在 184~243  ℃之间,N 2 气氛下 5%热失重温度为 485~538  ℃,热稳定性优异;PI 薄膜在 400 nm 处的透过率为
                 24%~85%,500 nm 的透过率可达 69%~88%,截止波长在 308~367 nm 之间,具有良好的透明性;PI 薄膜的拉伸
                 强度、杨氏模量和断裂伸长率分别在 41.1~85.3 MPa、1.7~2.1 GPa 和 2.5%~8.7%的范围内,具有良好的机械性能。
                 中图分类号:TQ323.7      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 06-1141-07

                             Synthesis and properties of polyimides derived from

                                           m-xylylenediamine monomer

                                  QIN Anran, WANG Xin, QIAO Wenqiang , WANG Zhiyuan
                 (State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Department of Polymer Science & Materials, School of Chemical Engineering,
                 Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China)

                 Abstract: Five kinds of polyimide (PI) samples were synthesized from m-xylylenediamine (MXDA) with five
                 aromatic dianhydride monomers, 4,4'-oxydiphthalic anhydride (ODPA), 3,3',4,4'-benzophenone tetracarboxylic
                 dianhydride (BTDA), 3,3',4,4'-biphenyltetracarboxylic dianhydride (BPDA), 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene)
                 diphthalic anhydride (6FDA) and 4,4'-(4,4'-isopropylidene diphenoxy) bis(phthalic anhydride) (BPADA) by
                 one-step method in m-cresol. The polymers were characterized by FTIR,  HNMR, DSC, TGA, UV-Vis and
                 dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA). The results showed that inherent viscosity numbers of the prepared
                 PIs were in the range between 0.36 and 1.44 dL/g, and all PIs had good solubility in m-cresol. The glass
                 transition temperatures tested by DMA and 5% thermal weight loss temperatures of PIs were 184~243  ℃
                 and 485~538  ℃, respectively. Furthermore, the transmittances of PI films were 24%~85% at 400 nm and
                 69%~88% at 500 nm, and the cutoff wavelengths were in the range of 308~367 nm. All these indicated
                 that these PIs had excellent thermal properties and good optical properties. The tensile strength, Young's
                 modulus and elongation at break of PIs were 41.1~85.3 MPa, 1.7~2.1 GPa and 2.5%~8.7%, respectively,
                 demonstrating that the PIs possessed good mechanical properties.
                 Key words: polyimides; m-xylylenediamine; transparency; one-step method; functional materials

                 聚酰亚胺(PI)是一类主链中含有酰亚胺环结                         电池等领域。在高端市场中,透明、耐磨、可弯折
            构的聚合物,因其在热稳定性能、机械性能和介电                             的 PI 膜逐步替代了易碎的无机材料,用作柔性显示
            性能等方面的优异表现而被广泛应用于微电子技                              或其他光学器件材料         [1-2] 。但由于 PI 材料通常具有
            术、航空航天、光伏发电、柔性显示及有机太阳能                             刚性分子结构、不溶不熔、难以加工成型,只能利

                 收稿日期:2021-11-18;  定用日期:2022-01-18; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20211175
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