Page 154 - 《精细化工》2022年第9期
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第 39 卷第 9 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.39, No.9
             2022 年 9 月                              FINE CHEMICALS                                 Sept.  2022

                                SAPO-34 的改性及其在合成气制


                                       梁晓彤,王丽娜,李   忠 ,孟凡会
                       (太原理工大学,省部共建煤基能源清洁高效利用国家重点实验室,山西  太原  030024)

                 摘要:采用水热法合成不同金属(Ce、Zn、Zr)及不同 Zr 掺杂量改性的 SAPO-34 分子筛,并与 GaZrO x 金属氧
                 化物物理混合制备 GaZrO x /SAPO-34 双功能催化剂,考察其催化合成气制低碳烯烃(STO)的反应性能。采用
                 XRD、TEM、SEM-EDS、BET、FTIR、NH 3 -TPD、XPS 对分子筛进行了表征。结果表明,不同金属改性的分子
                 筛均合成了具有 CHA 结构的 SAPO-34,掺杂 Zr 提高了分子筛的相对结晶度,减小了颗粒尺寸。Zr 掺杂量为 1.0%
                 〔n(ZrO 2 )∶n(Al 2 O 3 ) = 1∶100〕时合成的 1.0% ZrSP-34 分子筛颗粒尺寸最小,平均粒径为 0.53 μm,且强酸量适
                 中(1.34 mmol/g);Zr 掺杂量为 2.0%时导致多余的 Zr 以 ZrO 2 形式存在于分子筛表面,覆盖了强酸中心。与未
                 改性的 SAPO-34 相比,采用 1.0% ZrSP-34 制备的 GaZrO x /1.0% ZrSP-34 双功能催化剂可使 CO 转化率从 14.2%
                 增加到 21.2%,低碳烯烃选择性从 71.0%提高至 82.4%,且该催化剂反应 60 h 后未出现明显失活。
                 中图分类号:TQ630      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022)09-1872-10

                            Modification of SAPO-34 and its application in syngas

                                             conversion to light olefins

                                  LIANG Xiaotong, WANG Lina, LI Zhong , MENG Fanhui
                 (State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient  Coal Utilization, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan  030024,
                 Shanxi, China)
                 Abstract: A series of modified SAPO-34 zeolites with different metal (Ce, Zn, Zr) doping and Zr contents
                 were synthesized via hydrothermal method, and physically mixed with GaZrO x to obtain GaZrO x/SAPO-34
                 bifunctional catalyst, whose catalytic performance for syngas to light olefins (STO) was further investigated.
                 Structural characterization by XRD, TEM, SEM-EDS, BET, FTIR, NH 3-TPD and XPS indicated that all the
                 synthesized  SAPO-34  samples displayed  CHA structure with metal Zr doping leading to the  relative
                 crystallinity improvement and particle size reduction. The synthesized sample with Zr doping content of
                 1.0% [n(ZrO 2)∶n(Al 2O 3) = 1∶100] exhibited the smallest particle size with an average particle size of
                 0.53 μm as well as a moderate amount of strong acid (1.34 mmol/g), while 2.0% ZrSP-34 zeolite led to
                 particle surface, especially the strong acid center, covered by ZrO 2 formed by excess of Zr. Compared with
                 the ones prepared from unmodified SAPO-34, GaZrO x/1.0% ZrSP-34 bifunctional catalyst could increase
                 CO conversion from 14.2% to 21.2% and light olefins selectivity from 71.0% to 82.4% with no significant
                 deactivation after 60 h of reaction.
                 Key words: syngas; light olefins; zeolite modification; particle size; acidity; catalysis technology

                 低碳烯烃(C 2~4 )是石油化工行业的基本原料,                     源不足,且对低碳烯烃的需求不断增长,迫切需要
            其传统生产技术强烈依赖于石油资源。中国石油资                             开发一种非石油资源生产烯烃的路线。近年来,甲

                 收稿日期:2022-03-09;  定用日期:2022-05-17; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220207
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