Page 169 - 《精细化工》2023年第8期
P. 169
第 40 卷第 8 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.40, No.8
20 23 年 8 月 FINE CHEMICALS Aug. 2023
酵母抽提物对 10 种甜味剂的增甜作用分析
郝志林 1,2 ,梁 莉 1,2 ,李 库 ,郭 辉 ,熊 建 ,张玉玉 1,2*
(1. 北京工商大学 中原食品实验室,北京 100048;2. 北京工商大学 中国商业联合会味科学重点实验
室,北京 100048;3. 酵母功能湖北省重点实验室,湖北 宜昌 443003)
摘要:为探究增甜型酵母抽提物对 10 种甜味剂甜味的影响,采用高效液相色谱仪和氨基酸自动分析仪对增甜型
滋味成分对甜味的贡献。结果表明,增甜型酵母抽提物中共鉴定出 13 种 TAV>1 的滋味物质,对滋味的贡献较
大;添加质量浓度为 0.1 g/L 的增甜型酵母抽提物可显著增强甜菊糖苷、罗汉果甜苷和三氯蔗糖的甜味;添加质
量浓度为 0.1 g/L 的增甜型酵母抽提物可以使甜菊糖苷达到最大甜度感知的时间提前了 2.98 s;谷氨酸、丙氨酸
接结果表明,当谷氨酸或丙氨酸存在时,甜菊糖苷与味觉受体 1 型成员 2 之间的疏水相互作用增加。
中图分类号:TS202.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 08-1783-08
Analysis on the sweetening effect of yeast extract on 10 sweeteners
HAO Zhilin , LIANG Li , LI Ku , GUO Hui , XIONG Jian , ZHANG Yuyu 1,2*
(1. Food Laboratory of Zhongyuan, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China; 2. Key
Laboratory of Flavor Science of China Gengeral Chamber of Commerce, Beijing Technology and Business University,
Beijing 100048, China; 3. The Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Yeast Function, Yichang 443003, Hubei, China)
Abstract: In order to explore the sweetening effect of the taste components from yeast extract, free amino
acids, 5'-nucleotides and organic acids in yeast extract were quantitatively analyzed via high-performance
liquid chromatography and amino acid automatic analyzer, and their taste activity value (TAV) was
calculated. The results showed that thirteen taste components exhibited TAV>1, suggesting that these were
the main components contributing to taste perception. Addition of yeast extract with a mass concentration
of 0.1 g/L significantly improved the sweet taste perception of stevioside, mogroside, sucralose, and
shortened the maximum sweetness perception time of stevioside by 2.98 s. Glutamic acid and alanine could
significantly enhance the sweet taste perception of stevioside, mogroside and sucralose, while citric acid
could significantly enhance the sweet taste perception of sucralose. Molecular docking results showed that the
hydrophobic interaction between stevioside and taste receptor type 1 member 2 was enhanced in presence of
glutamic acid or alanine.
Key words: yeast extract; taste components; taste active value; sweeteners; sensory evaluation; molecular
docking; perfumes and essences
甜味作为五大基本味觉之一,可以让人产生愉 再建议减少游离糖摄入量。国民营养计划(2017—
悦的感觉。近年来,国际上对糖的摄入及其与健康 2030 年)中强调开展以“减盐、减糖、减油”为重
关系的关注度日益提升。MAHATO 等 将游离糖摄 点的“三减”专项行动 。因此,减少食品中的蔗
入量与肥胖、糖尿病和龋齿联系起来,各个国家一 糖含量已成为一种日益重要的产品开发趋势。目前,
收稿日期:2022-10-07; 定用日期:2022-11-29; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220904