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第 35 卷第 10 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.35, No.10
2018 年 10 月 FINE CHEMICALS Oct. 2018
王琳涵,乔凯娜,丁 奇,张玉玉 ,孙宝国,陈海涛,孙 颖
室,北京工商大学,北京 100048)
官评价结果表明,煮制 4 h 的鸡汤鲜味评分最高;随着煮制时间的延长,鸡汤的 pH 先降低后增加,煮制 3 h 时
pH 达到最低值(6.39);5-胞苷酸(5-CMP)、5-鸟苷酸(5-GMP)、乳酸和 17 种氨基酸的含量随煮制时间延
长逐渐增加,在煮制 5 h 时达到最大值;5-肌苷酸(5-IMP)、和 5-腺苷酸(5-AMP)的质量浓度分别在煮制
2 和 3 h 达到最大值(14.22 和 48.72 mg/L);琥珀酸的含量变化不大,谷氨酸的质量浓度在煮制 5 h 时达到最
大值(291.39 mg/L),这些呈味物质对鸡汤鲜味具有重要的贡献。鸡汤的味精当量值(EUC)在 5 h 达到最高值
(0.28 g MSG/100 g)。多肽含量在 4 h 时达到最大值(12.06 g/L)。
中图分类号:TS207.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2018) 10-1683-08
Effect of Different Cooking Time on Taste Compounds in Chicken Soup
WANG Lin-han, QIAO Kai-na, DING Qi, ZHANG Yu-yu , SUN Bao-guo,
CHEN Hai-tao, SUN Ying
(Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Food Nutrition and Human Health, Beijing Laboratory for Food Quality and Safety,
Beijing Key Laboratory of Flavor Chemistry, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China)
Abstract: In this study, chicken breast was taken as the object to produce chicken soup samples.The effect
of different cooking time on the taste compounds in chicken soup was investigated. The contents of free
amino acids, organic acid, 5-nucleotides and taste peptides in samples were analyzed by high- performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) and amino acid automatic analyzer. The results showed that the highest
flavor evaluation obtained from cooking 4 h chicken soup. The pH of chicken soup decreased initially and
increased afterwards with the heating time, reaching a minimum of 6.39 at 3 h. The contents of 5-cytidine
(5-CMP), 5-guanosine (5-GMP), lactic acid and 17 kinds amino acids increased gradually within
cooking time, and reached a maximum at 5 h. At the same time, the highest contents of IMP (14.22 mg/L)
and AMP (48.72 mg/L) were obtained at 2 h and 3 h, respectively. The content of succinic acid hardly
changed, and the highest content of glutamic acid was 291.39 mg/L at 5 h. These flavour compounds
contributed significantly to the umami of chicken soup. The equivalent umami concentration (EUC) value
of chicken soup increased with the cooking time and reached the highest value of 0.28 g MSG/100 g at 5 h.
Furthermore, the content of umami peptide reached a maximum value of 12.06 g/L at 4 h.
Key words: chicken soup; free amino acids; organic acid; taste nucleotide; umami peptide; perfumes and
Foundation items: National Key R & D Program of China (2016YFD0400705), National Natural Science
Foundation of China (31401604)
收稿日期:2017-08-30; 定用日期:2018-01-12; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20170704