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第 35 卷第 12 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.35, No.12
             2018 年 12 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                Dec.   2018

                        2-叠氮肉桂酸苄酯催化加氢制备 α-氨基酸

                                       范娜娜,李   锐 ,马丹丹,李学强
                                        (宁夏大学  化学化工学院,宁夏  银川  750021)

                 摘要:以叠氮乙酸乙酯与芳香醛为原料,通过醛酯缩合反应、皂化反应及苄酯化反应,合成了 10 个 2-叠氮肉桂
                 酸苄酯类化合物。对 2-叠氮肉桂酸苄酯加氢反应的条件进行了考察,筛选出最优反应条件为:Pd/C(Pd 质量分
                 数 10%)用量为底物质量的 30%、甲醇为溶剂、加氢压力为 3 MPa。通过上述反应条件,可以一步实现底物中
                 3 个位点(叠氮基团、碳碳双键以及苄基酯)的加氢反应,以 76%~89%的收率合成了一系列 α-氨基酸。核磁监
                 控体系表明:该转化的反应历程虽较为复杂,但最终产物单一。反应后处理简单,只需过滤去除 Pd/C,即可得
                 到纯净的 α-氨基酸产物。
                 中图分类号:O629.71      文献标识码:A     文章编号:1003-5214 (2018) 12-2072-06

                 Catalytic Hydrogenation of Benzyl -Azidocinnamates to -Amino Acids

                                       FAN Na-na, LI Rui , MA Dan-dan, LI Xue-qiang
                      (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, China)

                 Abstract: A  new method for the  preparation  of  -amino  acids was designed  and realized by  using  a
                 hydrogenation reaction. Ten benzyl  -azidocinnamates were  prepared from ethyl  2-azidoacetate  with
                 aromatic aldehydes through the following combined  processes of condensation of  aldehyde and  ester,
                 saponification of methyl  -azidocinnamates and esterification  of  -azidocinnamic  acids with benzyl
                 alcohol. Then, the hydrogenation of benzyl -azidocinnamates was investigated. The optimized conditions
                 were  obtained as  follows: Pd/C (mass fraction  of  Pd is 10%)  dosage 30% of the substrate mass, using
                 methanol as solvent, hydrogen gas pressure 3 MPa. Under these conditions, the three-site conversion was
                 featured with the combination of the reduction of azido group, the hydrogenation of C==C bond and the
                 hydrogenolysis of benzyl ester, efficiently affording the corresponding -amino acids in 76%~89% yields.
                 The NMR analysis of the reaction mixture indicated that although the hydrogenation process complicated,
                 the ultimate product was clearly delivered. The  pure  -amino acids were obtained  by a very simple
                 filtration to remove the Pd/C catalyst.
                 Key words: -amino acid; phenylalanine; catalytic hydrogenation; multisite conversion; azides; drug and
                 cosmetic materials
                 Foundation items: National Nature Science Foundation of China  (21762035,  21662026); Science and
                 Technology Innovation Leading Talent Training Program of Ningxia Province (KJT2015002)

                 -氨基酸(结构如下所示)中含有 3 个要素,                       对称 Aldol 反应 ,Michael 加成 等转化。
            是重要的合成砌块 ,可用作手性小分子来催化不

                 收稿日期:2018-06-08;  定用日期:2018-11-23; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180424
                 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(21762035、21662026);宁夏回族自治区 “科技创新领军人才培养计划”(KJT2015002)
                 作者简介:范娜娜(1991—),女,硕士生。联系人:李   锐(1980—),女,副教授,博士,电话:0951-2062274,。
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