Page 155 - 《精细化工》2020年第3期
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第 37 卷第 3 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.3
             202 0 年 3 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Mar.    2020


                                               关文学      1,2 ,王三反       1,2*

                 (1.  兰州交通大学,环境与市政工程学院,甘肃  兰州    730070;2.  寒旱地区水资源综合利用教育部工程
                 研究中心,甘肃  兰州    730070)

                 液中 Mn 质量浓度 35~41  g/L、电解温度 35~37  ℃、阴极 pH=7.0~7.2、阳极酸浓度 2.5  mol/L、阴极电流密度
                 350~400 A/m 、阳极电流密度 800 A/m 、阴极添加剂 SeO 2 质量浓度 0.03~0.04 g/L、阴极板采用不锈钢板、阳极
                 板采用钛涂二氧化铅板条件下,阴极电流效率高于 70%,阳极 1 L 电解液中二氧化锰产量高于 40 g。
                 中图分类号:TF792      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 03-0573-06

                            Analysis of influencing factors of membrane process in

                                         electrolytic manganese products

                                            GUAN Wenxue , WANG Sanfan     1,2*
                 (1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China;
                 2. Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education for Comprehensive Utilization of Water Resources in Cold and
                 Drought Areas, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China)

                 Abstract:  The  effects  of  different  factors,  such  as  solution  concentration,  electrolysis  temperature,  pH,
                 current  density,  additive  content  and  plate  material  on  the  output  and  current  efficiency  of  electrolytic
                 manganese and manganese dioxide in the anode and cathode cell were investigated. The results showed that
                 in the process of double membrane and three compartment electrolysis, the mass concentration of Mn  in
                 the solution was controlled between at 35~41 g/L, electrolytic temperature was in the range of 35~37  ℃,
                 cathode  pH  was  7.0~7.2.  Anodic  acid  concentration  was  2.5  mol/L,  and  cathode  current  density  was
                 350~400 A/m .  Anode  current  density  was  800  A/m ,  SeO 2  was  used  as  cathode  additive  with  a  mass
                 concentration of 0.03~0.04 g/L. Under the condition that the cathode plate was made of stainless steel plate
                 and the anode plate was made of titanium coated lead dioxide plate, the anode and cathode had high yield.
                 The current efficiency was higher than 70%, and the output of manganese dioxide in anode 1 L electrolyte
                 was higher than 40 g.
                 Key  words:  ion  exchange  membrane;  electrolytic  manganese;  electrolytic  manganese  dioxide;  current
                 efficiency; double membranes and three compartment; electro-organic chemistry and industry

                 金属锰具有重大应用价值,电解法因所获得的                          会造成严重的氨气污染并产生大量硫铵废渣                    [6-8] 。和
            锰产品纯度高而成为锰的主要生产方式。我国于 20                           金属锰一样,二氧化锰在世界范围内都是重要资源,
            世纪 60 年代开始电解锰的生产           [1-3] ,基本都采用美国          特别在电池制造等行业中有着广泛应用                   [9-10] ,同金
            率先提出的酸浸电解湿法冶金工艺 。利用酸浸矿石                            属锰生产一样,电解法也是其生产的主要工艺                     [11-14] 。
            制取中性液,然后通过电解得到高纯度的锰产品 。                            但实际生产过程产生酸雾等问题一直没有完全
            但在电解过程中,由于工艺本身条件的限制和要求,                            改善。

                 收稿日期:2019-06-23;  定用日期:2019-07-31; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190579
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