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第 37 卷第 7 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.7
             202 0 年 7 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 July  2020



                                                  张冬梅,杨   成
                      (合成与生物胶体教育部重点实验室,江南大学  化学与材料工程学院,江苏  无锡  214122)

                 摘要:为了提升 α-生育酚(α-TOC)在环境中的稳定性,增强其包封率及药物有效利用,以多巴胺(DA)改性
                 的 β-环糊精(-CD-6-DA)为包结物主体分子对 α-TOC 进行主-客体分子识别,得到稳定的包结复合物
                 -CD-6-DA/α-TOC。采用 UV-Vis、2D-NOESY 与连续变量 Job's 法探究了 -CD-6-DA 的疏水空腔对 α-TOC 的包
                 封率、分子识别行为及主客体包结比。结果表明,改性后的 -CD-6-DA 对 α-TOC 的包封率高达 99.3%±0.7%,
                 促进了 α-TOC 进入疏水空腔中的深度,并将包结物的包结比由 2∶1 提升至 1∶1。此外,对 -CD-6-DA/α-TOC
                 包结物的生物性能进行探讨,发现其在 35  ℃下具有响应性释放能力,并展现出了高于 80%的细胞相容性以及
                 中图分类号:TQ460.1      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 07-1454-07

                        Molecular recognition of dopamine--cyclodextrin derivative/
                              α-tocopherol and performance of inclusion complex

                                             ZHANG Dongmei, YANG Cheng
                 (Key Laboratory of Synthetic and Biological Colloids, Ministry of Education, School of Chemical and Material Engineering,
                 Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, China)

                 Abstract: To  improve the stability of α-tocopherol (α-TOC) under natural  environment and enhance its
                 encapsulation rate and drug utilization, -cyclodextrin derivative (-CD-6-DA) modified by dopamine (DA)
                 was used as host molecule to self-embed α-TOC, thereby obtaining stable inclusion complex (-CD-6-DA/
                 α-TOC). The encapsulation rate, molecular recognition behaviors and inclusion proportion of -CD-6-DA
                 to α-TOC were investigated by UV-vis, 2D-NOESY, and continuous variable Job's methods. The results
                 showed that  -CD-6-DA had an encapsulation  rate to  α-TOC up to 99.3%±0.7%,  which  promoted the
                 embedded depth of α-TOC inside hydrophobic cavity, and increased inclusion proportion from 2∶1 to 1∶1.
                 The biological properties of inclusion complex -CD-6-DA/α-TOC were discussed. It was found that this
                 inclusion complex had a controlled release ability at 35  ℃. In addition, inclusion complex -CD-6-DA/
                 α-TOC showed up to 80% cytocompatibility, and exhibited excellent antioxidant capacity in vitro.
                 Key  words: dopamine--cyclodextrin;  α-tocopherol; host-guest inclusion complex; encapsulation  rate;
                 controlled release; antioxidant capacity; drug materials

                 α-生育酚(α-Tocopherol,α-TOC)是自然界中                架寿命短等缺陷,当前 α-TOC 主要以酯化的形式应
            最活跃和最重要的脂溶性抗氧化剂                 [1-4] ,对诸如心脏       用于疾病管理中 ,然而这种非天然的改性产物不
            病、癌症、认知能力下降及早衰等疾病管理具有显                             但难以被患者吸收,同时还造成了严重的体内毒副作
            著的治疗功效       [5-7] 。由于 α-TOC 具有稳定性差、货              用 。因此,维持 α-TOC 的天然结构和本征属性对

                 收稿日期:2020-02-07;  定用日期:2020-03-24; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200082
                 作者简介:张冬梅(1985—),女,博士生,。联系人:杨   成(1970—),男,教授,。
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