Page 148 - 《精细化工》2021年第5期
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第 38 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.5
             202 1 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May  2021


                            黄金艳,杨文娟,蒋丽红 ,王亚明,郑燕娥,黄鹏鹏
                                      (昆明理工大学  化学工程学院,云南  昆明  650500)

                 摘要:通过两步法合成了 4 种阴离子不同的咪唑类离子液体,采用 FTIR、 HNMR、 CNMR、TG、Hammett
                 酸度函数对其结构和酸度进行表征。以 α-蒎烯酯化-皂化反应为探针反应,考察了 4 种离子液体对正龙脑的选择
                 性。结果表明,阴离子为 HSO 4 的离子液体对正龙脑的选择性最好,与 Hammett 酸度函数计算结果吻合。选取
                 [Bmim-SO 3 H]HSO 4 做进一步的工艺优化,得到的优化工艺条件为:环己烷用量 35 mL,反应温度为 120 ℃,离
                 子液体为松节油质量(10 g)的 8%,n(α-蒎烯)∶n(乙酸)=1∶3,反应时间 8 h。在该条件下,α-蒎烯的转化率为 100%,
                 正龙脑选择性为 39.83%,且占总龙脑的 92.56%。离子液体提供的 H 使 α-蒎烯质子化形成碳正离子,HSO 4 稳定
                 非经典碳正离子,与乙酸根形成络合物,使生成正龙脑的反应更容易发生。[Bmim-SO 3 H]HSO 4 重复使用 3 次仍
                 具有较高的活性,α-蒎烯的转化率仍达 99.76%,正龙脑的选择性为 35.45%。
                 中图分类号:TQ426; TQ223.1      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 05-1002-08

                           Catalytic synthesis of n-borneol by imidazole ionic liquid

                              HUANG Jinyan, YANG Wenjuan, JIANG Lihong , WANG Yaming,
                                             ZHENG Yan'e, HUANG Pengpeng
                 (Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China)

                 Abstract: Four imidazole ionic liquids with different anions were synthesized by a two-step method. The
                 structure and acidity of ionic liquids were characterized by FTIR,  HNMR,  CNMR, TG, Hammett acidity
                 function.  The selectivity of four ionic liquids to  n-borneol was  investigated by using  esterification-
                 saponification reaction of α-pinene as a probe reaction. The result showed that the ionic liquid with an anion
                 of HSO 4  had the best selectivity to n-borneol, which was consistent with the result that was calculated by
                 Hammett's acidity function. The preparation process of n-borneol using [Bmim-SO 3H]HSO 4 as catalyst was
                 optimized. The optimized process conditions were obtained as follows: cyclohexane of 35 mL, reaction
                 temperature of  120 ℃, ionic liquid  being  8%  of the mass (10  g)  of turpentine,  n(α-pinene)∶n(acetic
                 acid)=1∶3, reaction time of 8 h. Under these conditions, the conversion rate of α-pinene was 100%, and
                 the selectivity of n-borneol was 39.83%, accounting for 92.56% of the total borneol. H  provide by the ionic
                 liquid protonated α-pinene to form carbocation, HSO 4  stabilized non-classical carbocation and formed a
                 complex with acetate, which made the reaction of n-borneol more likely to occur. [Bmim-SO 3H]HSO 4 still
                 had high activity after repeated use for three times, the conversion rate of α-pinene and the selectivity of
                 n-borneol were still 99.76% and 35.45%.
                 Key words:  α-pinene; imidazole ionic  liquids; esterification-saponification;  n-borneol; carbocation;
                 catalysis technology

                 龙脑又名冰片,有正龙脑和异龙脑之分,在医                          天然龙脑价格昂贵,在自然界中含量较少,人工合
            药 、香精香料、化妆品行业 等具有广泛的应用。                            成龙脑是必然趋势。与异龙脑相比,正龙脑具有副

                 收稿日期:2020-10-21;  定用日期:2021-01-25; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200960
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